What’s Toro Talking About?

What’s Toro talking about?  Karen and I are always batting around the latest buzz word ‘innovation’ – and how companies could use a good old dose of fresh, innovative thinking…

But, for most, what does this latest buzz really mean?

According to Wikipedia,  innovation is a change in the thought process for doing something or it may refer to an incremental emergent or radical and revolutionary changes in thinking, products, processes, or organizations.

According to William Shatner, (aka Captain Kirk, USS Enterprise), innovation is how Star Trek changed the world. Star Trek gave scientist a view of what could be possible which shaped the development of some of today’s technologies.William Shatner

According to Toro, strategy innovation is  starting with ‘‘tomorrow’’ and planning backwards to ‘‘today.’’

Strategy innovation is future-oriented and must transcend today’s conditions to imagine what is possible.  In this way, the more tangible appeal of new growth opportunities acts
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